The point is, with Alex Toth, if you have to ask the question," What's so great about him?" you're probably not yet ready to take him to your heart. Yes, he's something of an acquired taste. He didn't do super-ripped heroes, didn't endlessly "noodle" faces or labour over details. No, Alex Toth worked towards doing the bare minimum in his art and no-one has ever done so more eloquently. In combination with a strong sense of design, Toth could capture the most subtle nuances of body language or facial expression and set them down with an economy of detail. Like many mavericks, Toth could be difficult to work with. His temper was legendary and his dissatisfaction with his own and others' shortcomings seldom seem to have passed without comment. One senses a deep unhappiness with the world and the comic industry. Now passed on, his legacy will be reassessed by comic fans now and in the future.
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