If you love the look of TV show Mad Men, chances are, you'll love the work of Slim Aarons. He described his photography as " attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places", perfect for the zeitgeist of late 50s, early 60s USA. Aarons was well acquainted with Hollywood royalty, took several screen tests in the 40s and was accepted by the stars as one of 'them', this naturally, gave Slim the kind of access only a few photographers enjoyed. 'Kings of Hollywood', a famous Aarons picture shows Clark Gable, Van Heflin, Gary Cooper and James Stewart enjoying a drink and shooting the breeze at a Hollywood party. Aarons also served as a war photographer in North Africa and later took pictures for Life, Vogue, Town and Country and other prestigious magazines. But it will be for his portraits of the rich and famous lounging langorously around their pools or sunbathing on their terrazzos for which Slim Aarons will be best remembered. Several Aarons books are currently available, check Amazon for details.
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